Discover How to Burn Excess Fat With the Lazy Man's Exercise Bike Workouts

By Ben Stephen

A huge problem many people experience when working out on an exercise bike is boredom but if you can overcome that, you can burn a huge amount of calories with this type of workout. One of the most effective methods to alleviate boredom is to watch TV, the program you watching stops you counting the seconds or the music video you listen to pumps you up so that you work harder for an even greater workout. For this to be effective you need a silent exercise bike, preferably one with a magnet or fan on the front for resistance.

Obviously the reason that many of us purchase an exercise bike is to kit fit and there are great benefits that can be achieved with the following different types of workout.

Full Fat Burning Workout Program.

It is important to increase your metabolism so that your body will continue to burn fat even after exercising and one of the best ways to lose weight is to combine an exercise bike workout with some form of weight training such as a low intensity cardio workout which makes an exercise bike workout great for burning fat. Additionally muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn naturally and the best way to increase your metabolism is to convert fat to muscle.

Aerobic Exercise Bike Workout to Increase Fitness

An excellent method of increasing your fitness levels and burning fat at the same time is to exercise for 20 to 30 minutes at around 65 percent of your maximum heart rate, this is especially good for beginners. Exercising for 30 minutes at 65 percent of your maximum heart rate burns approximately 300 calories which is reported to be the point you need to achieve to not only burn fat but keep it off! You will need to use a simple heart rate chart to calculate your optimum range and set your exercise bike intensity level so that your heart beats per minute stay within the given range.

If you haven't yet achieved a level of fitness to be able to maintain your 65 percent heart rate threshold, ride at a lower percentage but for longer. To gauge this, working out at 50 percent of your maximum heart rate will require you to train for 45 minutes to get the full benefit of this workout.

Fat Burning Cardio Exercise Bike Interval Workout

In order to increase you metabolism for hours after finishing you workouts then follow this super fat burning cardio exercise workout.

For this workout I use a Schwinn exercise bike and you will definitely feel the effects of this workout!

For this exercise a good warm up is required as you will be working your muscles hard, I recommend about 5 minutes. Once warmed up sprint hard for 20 seconds and then use the next 10 seconds for recovery. Repeat this cycle for 4 or 5 minutes which should require you to sprint for a total of 2 minutes 40 seconds and recovery of 1 minute 20 seconds, if you chose a 4 minute sprint (also recommended).

This fat burning cardio exercise bike interval workout will help you burn fat way after you stop exercising, this workout is great for me and followed continually I've seen a huge increase in my metabolism, fitness and weight loss.

Ben Stephen is a writer and researcher on exercise products such as the Schwinn 140 Upright Bike Reviews. You can save time and money by getting FREE detailed Exercise Bike Reviews including discounts and best prices at ben's blog.

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