10 Kids Fitness Ideas

By M James

If you're anxious that your children are putting on weight, and aren't getting as much exercise as they need, then perhaps these kids fitness ideas will help you and your children to eat sensibly, and get fitter.

1. You'll need to be mindful of the sort of food that you serve your children. Although they might not prefer to eat healthy fruit and vegetables, they'll have to get used to them. You can serve or offer less healthy food as a treat once in a while, in stead of it being the norm.

2. It's important that you're aware of how much time your children are spending on their games consoles. Whilst they can be ideal for keeping children quiet and entertained, it's not a good idea for your children to be sat in playing games all the time.

3. As well as spending less time on games consoles, you'll want to make sure that your children are spending less time on their computers. Whilst homework should take priority, you won't want your children to spend all their free time online.

4. Why not encourage your children to spend more time outside? You might encourage them to walk to friends houses, or to go for walks in the country at the weekends. Perhaps they'll take up a sport that means that they're getting more exercise or spending more time outside.

5. If it's possible, you should encourage your children to walk to school. It's much better for them, and unless you're driving past on the way to work, you'll be one less car on the road, and so will save petrol and do your bit for the environment.

6. Cycling to school, or to friends' houses, as well as for recreational purposes is an excellent way to ensure that your children gain vital road sense, as well as getting exercise and fresh air.

7. Why not take your children swimming for a change? It'll be a good way to spend more time with your whole family, and everybody will enjoy it.

8. If your children can't cycle around, or walk to school, then you'll want to encourage them to just be outside. Why not kick a football, throw a ball, or play tennis with them around the garden or the street. Remember that they'll copy you, so if you think it' OK to sit in front of the TV all night, they will too.

9. If you're children don't seem to be interested in sport, it might be that they haven't found a sport that interests them yet. Why not see if you can find some sort of sport or exercise that appeals to them?

10. If you go to the gym, then why not see if there are children's classes too? You'll be able to instill the importance of exercise and eating healthily from an early age, and hopefully they'll keep it up.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3939603